
Our solutions

Your competitive advantage starts here


Which strategy will lead to success, and how can it be seamlessly integrated into day-to-day operations?

At automodicted, we collaborate closely with you to craft tailored strategies that not only promise success but also achieve it by gaining real traction.

We understand that the greatest challenge often lies not in the strategy’s design but in its execution. To ensure your strategy doesn’t just look good on paper but works effectively in the real world, we apply our proven methodologies and extensive industry experience.

Our approach is designed to navigate complexities and convert strategic vision into actionable results, preventing common pitfalls of implementation. Let us partner with you to transform visionary ideas into operational realities.


  • Brand Strategy
  • Divisional Strategy
  • Digital Strategy
  • Market Entry Strategy
  • Portfolio Strategy
  • . . .
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In today’s competitive landscape, optimizing your existing business operations is crucial

Every cent and every second carry more weight than ever. At automodicted, we are dedicated to enhancing your organization’s agility and effectiveness. We understand the importance of not just surviving but thriving in the face of current and future challenges.

Our team of experts works closely with you to streamline processes, reduce inefficiencies, and implement innovative solutions that drive performance. By focusing on practical improvements and strategic adjustments, we ensure your business is equipped to adapt quickly to market changes, capitalize on new opportunities, and maintain a competitive edge.

Our goal is not just to prepare you for the future but to ensure you are steps ahead, turning potential obstacles into opportunities for growth.


  • Complexity Reduction & Complexity Management
  • Cost Saving Programmes
  • Performance Programmes
  • Revenue Optimisation
  • Process Organisation (Processes, Process Management, Process Optimisation)
  • Structural Organisation & Restructuring Programmes
  • Collaboration Models (Agile, Classic, Hybrid)
  • (Dynamic) Pricing
  • . . .
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The automotive landscape is evolving faster than ever before.

At automodicted, we are dedicated to ensuring you’re not just prepared for what’s coming but poised to capitalize on the most significant transformation in automotive history.

We guide you through the maze of emerging trends, ensuring that your business is future-proofed. Our expertise in strategic foresight, combined with a deep understanding of the automotive industry, allows us to identify opportunities that align with your core objectives, turning potential challenges into avenues for growth.

Together, we’ll redefine your strategy, innovate your operations, and enhance your offerings to meet the demands of tomorrow’s market. Let us empower you to lead the charge in this new era, leveraging change for competitive advantage. The future isn’t just something to prepare for — it’s an opportunity to be seized.


  • Transformation Management
  • New Business Models
  • Sales & Distribution Systems (e.g., D2C, retail & distribution network)
  • ESG Management
  • Performance Management
  • Matrix Organization
  • Change Management
  • New Work
  • Lean Management
  • . . .
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Digitalization is revolutionizing the automotive industry at every turn.

From organizational structures to in-vehicle technologies, and from data integration to the application of artificial intelligence. At automodicted, we specialize in navigating these complex digital landscapes to carve out your competitive edge.

We offer expert guidance on embracing digital transformation within your organization, enhancing your vehicles with the latest digital features, leveraging data for strategic decisions, and implementing AI for smarter, more efficient operations. Our comprehensive approach ensures that every aspect of your business benefits from the digital revolution, setting you apart in a rapidly evolving market.

Our team is dedicated to helping you harness the full potential of digital technologies, transforming challenges into opportunities for growth and innovation. Let’s redefine what’s possible in the automotive industry together!


  • Data Management & Data Utilization
  • Software Defined Vehicle (SDV)
  • Car Software & Software Functions
  • Digitized Company
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Vehicle-to-X
  • Electrics & Electronics
  • Software Integration Management
  • . . .
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Whatever your challenge may be – our solutions are as individual as your challenges.

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How we do it

We find individual solutions for pressing issues. The (ecological, economic and social) sustainability of our solutions is our top priority.

We don’t stop at the concept – we accompany its implementation right through to success with our holistic approach:



Map the status quo and understand the challenge.



Derive a target state and develop a fitting solution to the challenge.



Realize the elaborated solution and accompany your organization’s change.



Check the measures’ success and initiate final adjustments where necessary.